Thursday, May 29, 2008

Failure Quotes Explained

Failure Quotes Explained

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly”
Robert F. Kennedy.

Going forth regardless of failure may be the best thing to ever happen to you when pursuing success. This awards us an opportunity to experiment, do, test, fail and in the process master the drill. Only when you are open to failure do you really increase the chances of success. Don’t ever fear failure. Embrace it, and let it be a part of your success. Let it be your status check, and keep you on toes in your journey to success. Success is never really sweet if failure isn’t a part of it.

“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work”
Thomas Edison.

How do you look at failure? Is it a drawback or a stepping stone? Through failure, I learn a lot. I realize the many roads to avoid in future, and most importantly I become more refined in my pursuit. Failure enables me to go through a training camp, where bouts of learning are endless. I need failure moments, so I that I can even appreciate success more when I get it. Failure is the bitter pill with a sweet ending. It is the spice that adds flavor to the food. Though I do not want it, I need it to grow and succeed.

"Men are born to succeed, not fail."
Henry Thoreau.

Success is the ultimate door that stands at the end of the pursuit. Before getting there, you’ll only bump onto doors (failures) that lead to one another until you get to the ultimate one. Therefore, keep on going with the sure knowledge that you are still yet to get to where you were meant to be—the successful destination. That is what I am here for-to succeed. How do I know? Success makes me happy, excited, fulfilled, and motivated. Failure doesn’t. So then if success connects you with those wonderful feelings and emotions, then no doubt that is where your status quo should be.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Failure...painful yet necessary.


It is hard. It makes us miserable. Most of the time, we remain so discouraged that we don’t have the desire to try again. What we probably don’t know is that failure is necessary for sweet success to be realized. failure awakens us, makes us look back and closely trace the steps we took, and how we took them in attempt to come up with a solution, or better off “the” solution. Success rarely makes do so. Success on the other hand almost always makes us believe we did everything right, and so many of us do not go back and learn on the retro-moves.

When looked through a completely different viewpoint, failure can prove to be a correctional tool for it is the mirror that reflects our past moves and compels us make revisions and corrections. In fact, it is arguable that failure is more of an asset than a liability. Upon failure, mourn if you can, then get up pick up your morsels and scrutinize all that went wrong and come up with feasible solutions to each of them. And when you are ready to move on, integrate all those solutions effectively into your work and keep watchful not to let any of those past mistakes be repeated. The less mistakes we repeat the more chances we have of doing things right. The more you do things right, the more we get lucky and successful. Just remember, don’t bury failure—unearth it because in it is so many answers critical for future endeavors.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Quotes Explained: Opportunity

Jumping at several small opportunities may get us there more quickly than waiting for one big one to come along.

~Hugh Allen

Be involved in any task that I related to the field of your desire. If it is in the medical field, volunteer in hospitals, clinics, medical camps or missions. When you are in the thick and thin of the being involved, you meet people with connections, tools for development and chances to pounce on to advance in your desired field. You then realize that those small involvements get you closer to the dream faster.

When I look back now over my life and call to mind what I might have had simply for taking and did not take, my heart is like to break.
~William Hale White

Do not let current moments be future regrets. If you are inspired, do something, if you see an opportunity, cease it. If you foresee an accident, step up and prevent it. Just don’t have the awareness and not do anything about it. The heaviest burden, apart from sin is regret. Once past, you cannot retrieve the time and chance to make changes, so act now and let future moments be those of pride.

Opportunity is as scarce as oxygen; men fairly breathe it and do not know it.
~Doc Sane

It is not what you expect to see when you look for it. Rather, it is the end result in the transformation of what’s current and raw. Opportunity emerges in stepping up and seeing what few choose to see-the possibilities, the "could be’s" and "what if’s". It is that which poses just as a potential, yet still in its primitive manner. It always lurks in the yonder, yearning to be discovered. Simply jump up and cease it.



Opportunity is everywhere. Just look around and see the vast population of people around us. Whenever we talk about opportunity, people are always discouraged when told that opportunity is all around us. They wonder why they are blind to that which is seemingly visible to others. However, to simply explain this, we would say that as long as there are people living in a place, then there is an opportunity always waiting to be discovered. Solve a human need, and you will not fail to find people who are ready to pay for the service. Solve a dire human need, and richness will chase you fast down to the bank.Then if we can all do this, then where is the problem? It simply is that what people look for is not always what opportunity always looks like. You expect a product, but all you see is the raw material. You expect a beautiful dress, what you have is a fabric. All this time, it doesn’t click home that opportunity rarely comes fully clothed ready to go.

Opportunity is that little baby that is naked waiting to be clothed. It is that irregularity that is waiting to be made regular. That missing link is the role we have to play. However, human nature by default is lazy. Struggle is hard, and we don’t working long hours. Some of us hate work with a sincere passion. Therefore, it helps to realize that when we push ourselves to just do this one thing named work, then success and ultimately freedom becomes granted to us. In retrospect, we then wonder what we were scared of in the beginning. We then wish we would have started earlier. But then we forget that at that particular moment, we were ignorant of what really opportunity is--that ragged, unrealized end result whose beginning is right on our face.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Thoughts...Make us or Break us


When pursuing goals and money, most people forget that money, like a beautiful female, is an elusive chase. You chase it, and the more you do, the less of it you realize and the more vigorous the chase becomes, the harder the toll works on us. It makes no sense that those people who get involved the most at the grass-root level, are on the lower scale on the pay roll, while those who get involved the least with the mud enjoy the kings share. It almost seems unfair until you realize that the laws that control everything on earth is mostly misunderstood. We become what we think about. Those who think more about lack realize more of it, while those who think more about success and wealth realize more of it. It so happens that a low-earning individual or a poor person probably has a “poverty” mindset, and spends more time wishing. Wishing almost always drives away that which is desired. Those who wish do not want it badly enough. Those who do want something bad enough go out and get it, and almost always achieve that which they are after.

To achieve something, you got to want badly enough, and get on a dedicated chase. Merely giving it a try to see whether you will hit or miss is not enough. You have to have the mindset, make the plan and move. Staying on track till achievement of a deserved goal always involves gathering enough courage to get you started and enough motivation to get you going to the very end of your goals. Success is sweet, and once you get their, you always remember that it was indeed worth it giving up everything to get there. All of us have the “lemon” status in us, that which we have to awaken and make a "lemonade" out of. You only have to decide strongly, and control those thoughts that determine everything. You only have to want it bad enough. We all can be motivated to get to that level. But most importantly, we all have to motivate ourselves to get us out of that stressful situation. Someone can get us out of it, but nothing is ever as sweet and fulfilling as knowing that you worked your way out of it on your own.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Meditation Makes Me Clear

Everybody went golfing, including my elder sis who hates the sport with a passion. I wish I asked dad’s friend to let me test drive his buddy’s Lambo before they left. I love the way that motha’s engine roars when accelerated. So I sat in position and cleared my mind. I slowly focused on my breathing until I could only hear the silent in and out swoosh of air in my lungs. It took me a good 10 minutes to clear my thoughts. Men roaming thoughts kept sweeping me away. This one bird in particular outside the porch was so determined to rant on a hymn I had to go and shoosh her away. Anyways after 14-15 minutes I felt so lifted…like I was high!

Breathing becomes slower and deeper
My muscles relaxed
My thought process cleared
I had crystal clear reflections on the past week’s activities with so much wisdom, like I was self correcting myself.

The body’s natural relaxation response is a powerful antidote to stress. When I got up I was felt sooo good like I just had a sensual massage. Now I was ready to for a hot bath. I should do this tomorrow, I thought.


Though I wake up normally, I instantly know that this is not a normal day. I had an interesting dream and I try to remember what it is but I just can’t. Oh please memories don’t fail me this time. I have to remember this dream because this innate feeling is driving me insane so much that I have to know what this dream was. Then gradually those megabytes begin loading on my conscious mind, and I slump back in bed facing the ceiling above me. Then it suddenly hits me that life should be fun. This is weird coz that is pretty obvious…I mean it’s the life I live. I’ve always believed in it, thought about it spoken about it, lived it and even dreamt about it. So I am still not getting this dream but the dream’s lesson is resonating in my head. What is it? Life should be fun, just like the sun which shines everyday and never in vain, lightens my soul, and motivates me to go achieve my goals , makes me feel in total control, oh I love my life just like my cinnamon roll. So I realize I’ve always loved life because I make that choice everyday—to love life. When good things happen, I will love life, when it’s a bad day I will look at the brighter side of the gloom. A day lived negative is day wasted because you could as well made the choice to live it positively—yes we have that Absolute control to live whatever we want. Though I still don’t remember the dream I am relieved to know what the lesson is, and that’s more important for me to go on living The Absolute Life.