When pursuing goals and money, most people forget that money, like a beautiful female, is an elusive chase. You chase it, and the more you do, the less of it you realize and the more vigorous the chase becomes, the harder the toll works on us. It makes no sense that those people who get involved the most at the grass-root level, are on the lower scale on the pay roll, while those who get involved the least with the mud enjoy the kings share. It almost seems unfair until you realize that the laws that control everything on earth is mostly misunderstood. We become what we think about. Those who think more about lack realize more of it, while those who think more about success and wealth realize more of it. It so happens that a low-earning individual or a poor person probably has a “poverty” mindset, and spends more time wishing. Wishing almost always drives away that which is desired. Those who wish do not want it badly enough. Those who do want something bad enough go out and get it, and almost always achieve that which they are after.
To achieve something, you got to want badly enough, and get on a dedicated chase. Merely giving it a try to see whether you will hit or miss is not enough. You have to have the mindset, make the plan and move. Staying on track till achievement of a deserved goal always involves gathering enough courage to get you started and enough motivation to get you going to the very end of your goals. Success is sweet, and once you get their, you always remember that it was indeed worth it giving up everything to get there. All of us have the “lemon” status in us, that which we have to awaken and make a "lemonade" out of. You only have to decide strongly, and control those thoughts that determine everything. You only have to want it bad enough. We all can be motivated to get to that level. But most importantly, we all have to motivate ourselves to get us out of that stressful situation. Someone can get us out of it, but nothing is ever as sweet and fulfilling as knowing that you worked your way out of it on your own.
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