Sunday, May 25, 2008

Meditation Makes Me Clear

Everybody went golfing, including my elder sis who hates the sport with a passion. I wish I asked dad’s friend to let me test drive his buddy’s Lambo before they left. I love the way that motha’s engine roars when accelerated. So I sat in position and cleared my mind. I slowly focused on my breathing until I could only hear the silent in and out swoosh of air in my lungs. It took me a good 10 minutes to clear my thoughts. Men roaming thoughts kept sweeping me away. This one bird in particular outside the porch was so determined to rant on a hymn I had to go and shoosh her away. Anyways after 14-15 minutes I felt so lifted…like I was high!

Breathing becomes slower and deeper
My muscles relaxed
My thought process cleared
I had crystal clear reflections on the past week’s activities with so much wisdom, like I was self correcting myself.

The body’s natural relaxation response is a powerful antidote to stress. When I got up I was felt sooo good like I just had a sensual massage. Now I was ready to for a hot bath. I should do this tomorrow, I thought.

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